My Work with St. Therese Missions

The Family of Saint Therese Daily Prayer

(TRUST) O, God, I trust completely in your mercy. Your arms will take me up to Heaven because You love me. In returning your love, I love you with all my heart, with all my soul and with all my strength. I will show my love for you, O God, by obedience to your commands, by loving, respecting, supporting and serving my brothers and sisters. I surrender completely to your Divine Providence. I love all things that happen to me including suffering because it purifies and sanctifies me, O God, and I forgive all for your glory.

(HUMILITY) O Lord, I will become like a child, expecting everything from You. Without You, I am nothing; I want to be at the lowest possible place. In some ways everybody is better than I so I respect everybody especially the children the most vulnerable.

(PRAYER) I raise my soul to You, O God, always. I think of You and I try to be always with You. I beg You, O God, to give me a pure heart, to clear my mind of sinful thoughts  and to give me the grace of not desiring to accumulate money, or material goods. Further, I ask that you free me from all sexual lust so prevalent in the world.

(WORK) All the little things I do, I do them for You, O God. I do them diligently with all my loving heart. I offer You, O God, all the little deeds of this day, begging You to have mercy on sinful souls and to save them.

(READINESS) I repent of my sins and I promise to keep my soul clean of sin so that I will always be ready for You, O God, to take me to Heaven to be with You forever.

Eager to share God's blessings... and His Word.
Where two or more are gathered in God's name, 
He is in their midst.

Feed the hungry... Give drink to the thirsty. 
For whatever we do to the least of our brothers, 
we do it for God.

God's Word is our daily bread, living water, our light and salt...

Man does not live by bread alone but by the Word of God 
which restores, heals, gives freedom and true joy.

My volunteer work and pastoral advocacy with 
St. Therese Missions in Manila

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Seeking God in prayer...

Deacon An Thanh Vu, founder of 
The Family of Saint Therese of the Child Jesus 
as a private association of the Faithful effective 8 December 2009,
by the Decree of the Archbishop of Portland in Oregon, USA.

He received the Decree on 6 March 2010 at 
Our Lady of Sorrows Parish in Portland.
Deacon An Thanh Vu and friends in Manila